Monday, January 15, 2024

Parable of the dragonfly


Our family loves to read aloud, and we have many family favorites that we have read multiple times, One of our favorites is Winnie the Pooh.

In The adventures of Winnie the Pooh they play a game that Winnie the Pooh calls Poohsticks. Poohsticks when you come to bridge on your journey and you and your friend both pick up a leaf or a stick or whatever is available and have a race by dropping your your item on one side of the bridge at the same time as your friend and watching as it comes out the other side to see which comes out first.

When my husband died, I was looking for signs and comfort and something to hang onto to find the peace and to know that he was still alive somewhere and available.

I had gone on a hike with a few of my children. We came to a bridge but they went on without me and I stood at the bridge and decided that I was going to play Poohsticks with my husband. I told him in my mind I’m gonna get a stick and I want you to make a leaf fall out of the tree hanging over the water and will have a race to see who wins.

I proceeded to pick my stick up from the ground and drop it into the water and much to my despair. Nothing happened. Anticlimactic and disappointed I watched as the leaf drifted slowly down the river. I started to cry and acknowledged once again how very alone and sad my life was going to be without my husband when a miracle happened. Right above my leaf came a beautiful large dragon fly. In my mind my husband said "I cannot come to you in the way you ask for or expect. Faith is now required. Look for me in the unexpected."

Prior to my husbands death my dear friend who lost a baby to a heart defect had told me the story of the Dragonfly and it already had great symbolism but now it meant so much more to me.  Multiple times in the last 20 months I have seen dragonflies and always find great comfort and reassurance that my husband is close.

Parable of the dragonfly

  Our family loves to read aloud, and we have many family favorites that we have read multiple times, One of our favorites is Winnie the Poo...